Gulu District Union for Persons with disabilities

Robe kello Gupu (Unity brings strength)

About Us

Historical background
Gulu Disabled Persons’ Union (GDPU) was formed during the1980 famine in Uganda by a group of disabled people to improve their access to relief supplies. In 1992, it registered as a Community Based Organization and brought together groups of disabled people from across the district.

Our Services

We have a number of services for our members to help them in their lives 

Community sensitization

We provide society building programs that help people know the barriers that are created by individuals in society that marginalization and stigma

Community inclusive programs

We encourage our people to participate in ventures that we organize like community marathons and advocacy

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Persons with Disabilities

We provide services that will help people manage their family numbers through providing education on family planning methods and other materials that help families

Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities health

We provide mental health care for people with these disability and provide rehabilitation for them to get better

Access to medication and general heath

We help them get access to medical treatment though partner hospitals to ease their process and make sure they get the treatments that they need

Counselling and guidance

We provide counselling for every member of our union to provide hope and a sense of unity among people

Associations & Memberships

We partner with many different stakeholders to build relationships that grow for betterment of our members. we encourage you to join us today. 

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